SALAser is committed to the protection of its members - a number of which are children. ( A child means a child or young person, or two or more children or young persons, who is or are under the age of 18 years).
As part of this commitment, SALaser abides by and is guided by Australian Sailings Child Safe Guarding obligations and proceedures as managed through the National Integrity Framework (NIF)'s for Sports Integrity . More details on the obligations for all involved can be found detailed on the Australian Sailings Gateway Here.
Specifically links to the following:-
Every organisation and participants must accept their commitment to child safeguarding.
SALasers Code of Conduct
By taking out membership with SALaser - sailors , parents, supporters, volunteers and officials alike, are agreeing to abide by SALasers codes of conduct. These can be found following or within our ABOUT web pagetab.
To assist parents , volunteers and members to understand their individial obligations regarding Child Safe guarding we ask that all parent / volunteers/ officials associated with Iodasa events undertake the online course for Child Safeguarding This course is prepared and administerd by Sports Integrity Australia.
A link to Australian Sailings Child Safeguarding Page can be found HERE. This page will further explain obligations on Child Safeguarding.
Reporting of incidents involving children is as via compliance with the current version of Australian Sailings CHILD SAFEGUARDING POLICY
Should the required criteria be met as per the Child Safeguarding Policy - a report can be made at MAKE AN INTEGRITY COMPLAINT OR REPORT | Sport Integrity Australia